
The Roman Mysteries is a 17-book middle grade series featuring four very different Roman children who team up to solve mysteries in the first century AD. Two spin-off series are The Roman Mysteries Scrolls for younger readers, and The Roman Quests, which follows a new generation of young Romans as they flee pursuers to Britannia. I have also produced four history mystery books set in the wild west and two retellings of stories from Virgil. In my latest series, The Time Travel Diaries, a London schoolboy and his pal(s) go to Roman London, Ancient Athens and possibly first century Jerusalem. Finally, the fun but practical How to Write a Great Story is based on my popular school visits. (Info below). 


In a SINGLE hour-long talk illustrated by artefacts & images from my travels, I share my secrets for plotting stories, finding characters and creating a detailed world of adventure. I offer a variety of talks (see below). There is time for Q&A afterwards and book signing if schools are happy for me to sell my books.

1. ‘How to Write a Great Story’ – fun tips about writing plot & characters with added Romans (8 – 12 yrs)
2. ‘Mysteries of Ancient Rome’ –  exciting talk with more emphasis on Pompeii & Rome (8 – 12 yrs)
3. ‘History Detectives’ – fun talk comparing archaeologists and writers of historical fiction (8+)
4. ‘Myth, Movies & Storytelling’ – more advanced talk about ‘The Hero’s Journey’ in myth & movie (12+)
(with visual references to Theseus, Star Wars, The Hunger Games, Paddington and several others)
5. ‘Time Travel to the Past’ – features Roman London, Ancient Athens & writing tips.
6. ‘Archaeology and Creative Writing’ – features Amarantus & his Neighbourhood
7. ‘Fables & Short Stories’ – How to write fables like those of the ancient storyteller Aesop (8-12 yrs)

Because of global and personal circumstances I am trying to limit in-person visits to the greater London area, but if you are very keen for me to come, don’t be afraid to ask. The cost will be £350 plus travel for an hour-long talk followed by unlimited book signing and Q&A.

However, I am now offering a virtual talk followed by Q&A anywhere in the world! I can host up to a hundred in my own Zoom room or can meet on your school’s platform. The cost for my virtual visit will be £60.

Check my availability here and then email me at

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